Tag Archive | bloat

I am going to try and eat no beans or cheese today. See if that helps my bloating.

Because since I’ve been eating 2000 cals, I’ve been feeling a bit sick. It goes away after about an hour or two, but I need to eat more calories without feeling overly-full. And I know cheese and beans can make me gassy/bloat. So maybe that’s the problem. Or perhaps gluten, but I don’t eat much gluten anyways… so I don’t think its that.

Sorry, this is definitely a TMI moment. LOL



The Tea: Chamomile, Ginger, Green, Feverfew

The Yoga: Extended Puppy Pose, Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Childs Pose

 Sore Muscles

The Tea: Black

The Yoga: Sphinx Pose, Cow Face Pose, Extended Side Angle Pose

 Head Cold

The Tea: White, Ginger, Green

The Yoga: Corpse Pose, Seated Forward Bend, Upward Facing Dog

 Gas and Bloating

The Tea: Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Fennel

The Yoga: Wind Relieving Pose, Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, Legs Up the Wall Pose


The Tea: Guelder Rose, Chaste Berry, Skullcap

The Yoga: Bow Pose, Fish Pose, Head to Knee Forward Bend

 Back Pain

The Tea: Ginger, Rosemary, Black

The Yoga: Upward Salute, Cat Pose, Cow Pose, Plow Pose, Garland Pose, Sphinx Pose


The Tea: St Johns Wart, Chamomile, Licorice, White

The Yoga: Corpse Pose, Childs Pose, Cobra Pose, Warrior I, Warrior II


The Tea: Ginger, Green, Peppermint

The Yoga: Bound Angle Pose, Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, Childs Pose, Easy Pose


The Tea: Peppermint, Ginger, Raspberry

The Yoga: Easy Pose, Childs Pose, Legs Up the Wall Pose, Reclining Hero Pose


The Tea: Jasmine, Lavender, Chamomile, Peppermint

The Yoga: Corpse Pose, Supported Shoulderstand, Revolved Head to Knee


The Tea: Green, Sage

The Yoga: Downward Facing Dog, Warrior I, Extended Side Angle Pose, Extended Triangle Pose

♥ If you’re pregnant you should ask your doctor before drinking medicinal tea or doing yoga.

THIS MORNING WAS SO PERFECT! I woke up after eating 2000 calories yesterday: gained .4 lbs and flat tummy, no bloating!

This morning is the first time that I have felt that I can really do this.

.4 lbs in one day is a perfect rate. It’s not to rapid, it’s not too slow. AND NO BLOATING?!?! WOOOHOOO! I felt amazing this morning, my body, my mind, my happiness! Everything. 

I have two weeks to gain 5 more pounds before  I go to Geneva, NY!

I made it to 2000 calories! <3

Feeling a little bloated. My stomach hurt after dinner, but I’m starting to feel better and the bloating is going down. Not the least bit guilty though. In fact, I’m quite proud of myself! 😀